Dr. Zachary Brown Connects with the Socio-Ecological Synthesis Center Through His Research

Dr. Zachary Brown recently attended the Pursuit: Living with Resistance meeting at the Socio-Ecological Synthesis Center in Annapolis, MA. Visiting scholars came together to address the socio-ecological dilemmas that constrain society’s response to resistance evolution in pathogens, biocide resistance in food production, harvest selection in wild populations, and invasive species challenges in environmental management. This was the last of four meetings for this project. The purpose of the pursuit was to develop interdisciplinary research collaborations to improve our understanding and management of pest and pathogen evolution of resistance to biocides – including antibiotics, insecticides, herbicides and genetically engineered crops. A number of applied research studies were initiated in these meetings and will be continued going forward. Also, manuscripts from this research will be forthcoming over the next two years. Dr. Brown was able to be a part of this pursuit because of his ongoing research into the role human behavior and economic incentives play in affecting insect resistance to pesticides and genetically engineered Bt crops.
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