Dr. John Beghin Receives Quality of Research Discovery Award from the European Association of Agricultural Economists
The Publication Awards program of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) recognizes professional excellence in research contributing to the advancement of knowledge in areas related to food, agriculture and resource economics. The Publication Awards program of the EAAE includes three annual awards: the Outstanding ERAE Journal Article, the Research Discovery Award, and the Policy Contribution Award in Honour of Giovanni Anania. This year, the Board of the EAAE awarded the ‘Quality of Research Discovery’ Award for 2015 to: John Beghin, Anne-Célia Disdier and Stephan Marette for the paper: Trade Restrictiveness Indices in the Presence of Externalities: An Application to Non-Tariff Measures. The paper was published in the Canadian Journal of Economics in 2015 (vol.48, N°4). The award recipients were presented at the EAAE Triennial Congress in August 2017.