Coit and Treme Receive DELTA grants

DELTA announces more than $240,000 in new and continuing DELTA Grants to 29 recipients across the university including eight academic colleges and the Division of Academic and Student Affairs.
Marne Coit and Julianne Treme received Rapid Design grants. Julianne’s grant, “Gamification: Leveling Up in Economics” focuses on improving the effectiveness of forum posts for in her online class.
Coit said, “I am very excited to work with DELTA on the development of the new Food Law course. This is a topic area that students have shown a great deal of interest in, and I look forward to working with DELTA to develop a high quality, interactive course. I have worked closely with DELTA on Agricultural Law, and have always been impressed with the results and improvements that have come out of these collaborations.”
Find out who else was awarded grant by reading this article.
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