Aug 29, 2019
Are there any economic impacts associated with the trend of young people delaying marriage?
Read Blake Brown's analysis on the economic state of animal agriculture, crops, and government programs in our region.
Aug 26, 2019
How does the latest interest rate cut effect consumers?
ARE is proud to have Julianne Treme's online ARE 201 officially certified through Quality Matters.
Aug 19, 2019
NC State University economist Dr. mike Walden addresses three prominent issues facing the economy today, and the factors that play into them.
Aug 15, 2019
The popular adage "last hired, first fired" speaks to the hiring cycle in businesses, but does this apply equally across all levels?
Aug 13, 2019
Since the time it was a colony, lumber has played an important role in the North Carolina economy. Find out how lumber exports from NC shaped world history.
Aug 12, 2019
We are aggregating a list of service providers that can assist you with coverage of your hemp business ventures.
Walden's report analyzes the state's GDP, job growth rates, and unemployment levels and compares them to national levels.
The Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics is very fortunate and appreciative for the strong support that our majors in Agricultural Business Management receive from Farm Credit.