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CALS alumni award winners gathered for a group shot at the ceremony

Sep 25, 2017

CALS Honors Extraordinary Alumni

Alumni, friends, faculty and staff of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences gathered on Sept. 8 to celebrate those being honored at the annual CALS Alumni Awards ceremony. Cal… 

Sep 21, 2017

Dr. Fabio Santeramo Awarded Best Italian PhD Dissertation Award

Dr. Fabio Santeramo was awarded the Best Italian PhD Dissertation Award by the Italian Society of Agricultural Economics at the Italian Congress of the SIDEA (Società Italiana di Economia Agraria.)… 

CALS alumni award winners gathered for a group shot at the ceremony

Sep 20, 2017

CALS Honors Extraordinary Alumni

CALS alumni, friends, faculty and staff gathered to celebrate more than two dozen extraordinary alumni at the college’s annual Alumni Awards Ceremony. 

Sep 18, 2017

Dr. John Beghin Receives Quality of Research Discovery Award from the European Association of Agricultural Economists

The Publication Awards program of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) recognizes professional excellence in research contributing to the advancement of knowledge in areas related to food, agriculture and… 

Aerial view of downtown Raleigh.

Sep 15, 2017

You Decide: What Are The Good And Bad In Today’s Economy?

There’s two sides to every story. What are the sides for the economy today? NC State University economist Mike Walden lays out some of the major points in today’s economy so you can decide. 

Sep 12, 2017

Dr. Zachary Brown Connects with the Socio-Ecological Synthesis Center Through His Research

Dr. Zachary Brown recently attended the Pursuit: Living with Resistance meeting at the Socio-Ecological Synthesis Center in Annapolis, MA. Visiting scholars came together to address the socio-ecological dilemmas that constrain society’s response to resistance evolution in pathogens, biocide resistance in food production, harvest selection in wild populations, and invasive species challenges in environmental management. 

NC State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences professor Dr. Mike Walden working in a recording studio.

Sep 11, 2017

Economic Perspective: Tax Deductions and Charitable Donations

The ability to deduct charitable donations on federal taxes may be affected by potential changes to the tax code. What are the possible outcomes and impacts? 

Aerial view of Belltower and downtown Raleigh to the east of campus.

Sep 1, 2017

You Decide: Are The Humanities Still Useful In A Tech World?

The question today is how relevant the humanities are to an increasingly technological world. STEM enrollment has seen significantly higher growth compared the humanities since 2000. In our tech-heavy society, will STEM majors flourish while humanities majors flounder? 

Aug 31, 2017

Another Successful Camp Resources hosted by CEnREP

Camp XXIV’s a wrap!  Wind and rain did not deter attendance at the 24th annual Camp Resources!  The workshop was hosted by CEnREP’s Director and Associate Director, Laura Taylor and Roger von Haefen,… 

Aug 30, 2017

Economic Perspective: How Are We Doing?

Many households appear to feel stuck economically, and are not seeing their standard of living improving. Do the numbers support this?