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PMB Seminar Series Spring 2024: Acer VanWallendael

3503 Thomas Hall – Stephens Room

"The Genetics of Pathogen and Microbiome Control in the Switchgrass Leaf" Presented by Acer VanWallendael Assistant Professor Department of Horticulture and Crop & Soil Sciences NC State University, Raleigh, NC Zoom Link:

PMB Seminar Series Spring 2024: Nick Kortessis, Ph.D.

3503 Thomas Hall – Stephens Room

"Understanding How Spatiotemporal Variation can Enhance the Growth and Spread of Infectious Disease" Presented by Nick Kortessis Assistant Professor Department of Biology Wake Forest University Winston-Salem, NC Zoom Link:

PMB Seminar Series Spring 2024: LW Parks Distinguished Lectureship Series: Caroline Ajo-Franklin, Ph.D.

3503 Thomas Hall – Stephens Room

  "Programming Bacteria for Real-time Sensing and Sustainable Materials" Presented by Caroline Ajo-Franklin, Ph.D. LW Parks Distinguished Lectureship Series Professor & CPRIT Scholar in Cancer Research Department of BioSciences Director, Rice Synthetic Biology Institute Rice University, Houston TX Zoom Link:

Workshop: Strategies for Taking Care of Your Well-Being

3503 Thomas Hall – Stephens Room

"Workshop: Strategies for Care of Your Well-Being" Luke Strawn (He/Him) Med, LCMHC Embedded counselor, CALS & COS Welcoming all Students, Faculty, and Staff! Come join us to learn techniques that help you to focus on pro-active behaviors that promote balance in your life. Sponsored by the LW Parks Endowment in Microbiology

PMB Seminar Series Spring 2024: Kylie Allen, Ph.D.

3503 Thomas Hall – Stephens Room

"Uncovering New Functions of Old Radical SAM Enzymes in Anaerobic Archaea" Presented by Kylie Allen Assistant Professor Department of Biochemistry Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA IN PERSON ONLY

PMB Seminar Series Spring 2024: BW Wells Seminar: Sarah Davidson Evanega, Ph.D.

3503 Thomas Hall – Stephens Room

"Agricultural Biotechnology: The Time is Now" Presented by Sarah Davidson Evanega, Ph.D.  B.W. Wells Seminar Speaker Vice President of External Relations Okanagan Specialty Fruits   Adjunct Faculty Plant Breeding and Genetics Cornell University Ithaca, NY Zoom Link:

Event Series PMB Shorts

PMB Shorts

2212 Gardner Hall Raleigh, NC, United States

PMB Shorts are 20 minute, non-technical talks with 10 minutes after for a Q&A. Prior to the talk, we have a pizza lunch and social event to connect with colleagues and meet new departmental employees!

PMB Graduate Student Poster Symposium

Talley Student Union 3222 2610 Cates Ave, Raleigh, United States

PBGSA and MBGSA hosted graduate student poster symposium for plant biology or microbiology focused research. Department of Plant and Microbial Biology Social: 4-5:30 pm. Refreshments provided by Rave catering.  Award ceremony at 5:30pm.