Have Your Say: Participate in the 2022 UNC System Employee Engagement Survey

Hunt Library view from the third floor.

Between March 28 and April 11, NC State faculty and staff will have the opportunity to participate in the UNC System Employee Engagement Survey for the third time. The last time we took the survey, in February 2020, we had a good response rate, which helped us do a better job of identifying areas where employee satisfaction is high as well as areas that need improvement.

We encourage you to participate in this year’s survey so we can keep working to build and maintain a culture of continuous improvement. The survey is being sent to all permanent full-time (75% time or more) faculty and staff employed as of Jan. 31, 2022.

Watch for Email With Survey Link

The UNC System has again engaged ModernThink, an independent management consulting firm, to administer the survey. On March 28, ModernThink will send a unique link to each employee. Please do not share your link with others; it is intended only for you. Please watch for this email from ModernThink, and if you do not receive it, call the ModernThink help line at 888-684-4658.

You will be able to access the survey from any computer or mobile device. The survey should take about 15 to 20 minutes to complete, but you will be given up to 30 minutes to complete the survey during your regular working hours. You will not be required to use lunch time, break time or leave time to complete the survey. The survey is available in English, Spanish and French.

Voluntary and Confidential

If you don’t complete the survey in one sitting, you will be able to save your progress and complete it later. The survey must be completed by April 11 for your responses to be tabulated. Be assured that the survey is voluntary and completely confidential.

If you have changed work units recently, you should answer the survey based on the department you were working in on Jan. 31, 2022.

If you have general questions about the survey initiative, contact Tim Danielson, associate vice chancellor for human resources, at tjdanie4@ncsu.edu. For technical issues, contact Nancy Whelchel, assistant vice provost for institutional survey research and analysis, at nancy_whelchel@ncsu.edu. For more information, visit the survey website.