
Jun 22, 2020  |  Hiring

Plant Transformation Lab Welcomes New Director

On June 16, Kedong Da joined NC State as the director of the Plant Transformation Laboratory, which is located within the NC State Phytotron.

Jun 15, 2020

Essentially CALS: Will Leatherwood

Although many of us are working from home, a few necessary people must physically stay on campus to keep the CALS Community up and running. Check out our series Essentially CALS to learn more about our incredible community.

May 18, 2020

Essentially CALS: Wayne Holder

Although many of us are working from home, a few necessary people must physically stay on campus to keep the CALS Community up and running. Check out our series Essentially CALS to learn more about our incredible community.

May 11, 2020

2020 Faculty and Staff Awards

Congratulations to our faculty, staff and students who were nominated for, or received, teaching, research, University Faculty Scholars and safety awards this year.

May 4, 2020

Dean’s Update and Rescheduled Town Hall

Next CALS Town Hall to be held on Friday, May 15. Dean Linton also shares updates for Academic Programs, Research, Extension, HR and CBO updates.

May 4, 2020

Essentially CALS: Diane Mays

Conservatory Curator Diane Mays is extremely talented and knowledgeable about plant care and plant propagation. We caught up with her to learn a little bit about maintaining the conservatory during this unusual time.

May 4, 2020  |  Events

NCARS Assistant Director Candidate Seminars

Two candidates for the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service (NCARS) Assistant Director, Life Sciences position will present their vision for the position the week of May 11.

Apr 27, 2020  |  COVID-19 Updates

Call for Off-Campus Research Exemption Requests

The CALS Research and Extension offices are calling for faculty and Extension agents to submit exemption requests for critical off-campus research and demonstration projects planned for June 1 – August 15, 2020.

Mar 9, 2020

Lake Wheeler Road Field Lab to Welcome New Coordinator

Bridget Lassiter will join the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service team as the Project and Field Lab Coordinator for the Lake Wheeler Road Field Lab.

Jan 24, 2020

CALS Video Production Club

Join the CALS Video Production Club. This newly formed CALS club provides a place where staff, faculty and postdocs can get advice with video shooting and editing in a practical setting.