How to Thrive: Online Classes

Taking college classes in an online environment can be intimidating. Join us as members of Orientation Leaders discuss how they transitioned from in-person to online classes and thrived in the process. You’ll learn tips and tricks from a variety of students so you can set […]

Plant Taxonomy and Nomenclature

An eight-week class that helps the home gardener understand how plants are organized, classified, and named. All too often we don’t know much about the plants we select for our home gardens. When we understand plant taxonomy and nomenclature, we are more equipped to select and care for all the plants we grow in our gardens. Did you know that most plants have two to three different kinds of names? That can lead to tremendous uncertainty and confusion for the home gardener. In this class, we will learn and use botanical knowledge about plant classification and naming to improve our gardening activities!

Military and Veteran Services Open House

Join Military and Veteran Services in welcoming our incoming military-connected students to the Wolfpack. As you get time, please stop by our office to say hello and fellowship. During this event, we will follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, […]

N.C. Cooperative Extension Offering Virtual Hemp Growers

N.C. Cooperative Extension is offering a virtual hemp growers meeting and research update open to new and experienced hemp growers from 8 a.m. to noon Thursday. The meeting will feature trial results from N.C. State Extension specialists from research conducted […]

Plant Taxonomy and Nomenclature

An eight-week class that helps the home gardener understand how plants are organized, classified, and named. All too often we don’t know much about the plants we select for our home gardens. When we understand plant taxonomy and nomenclature, we are more equipped to select and care for all the plants we grow in our gardens. Did you know that most plants have two to three different kinds of names? That can lead to tremendous uncertainty and confusion for the home gardener. In this class, we will learn and use botanical knowledge about plant classification and naming to improve our gardening activities!

CALS Community Conversation: Elections and Marginalized Communities

Zoom Webinar

Government Elections and Community Unrest Join us on Tuesday, January 26, from 10 -11:30 a.m. for our first CALS Community Conversation of 2021. The discussion will focus on how government elections exacerbate and or relieve community unrest within marginalized communities. […]

NC State Extension: Prune Like a Pro

Join Cumberland County Cooperative Extension agent Jason Weathington on Jan. 26 as he provides a virtual workshop on how to properly prune. Viewers will gain pruning confidence as the host walks through the essentials of pruning plants in your landscapes. […]