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Seminar: Hsuan Chen: Ornamental Plant Breeding and Cytogenetics
September 18, 2023 | 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Date: Monday, September 18, 2023
Time: 3:00 pm
Speaker: Dr. Hsuan Chen
Title: Ornamental Plant Breeding and Cytogenetics (Tenure Review)
Location (Hybrid): 121 Kilgore Hall
Join Zoom Meeting: https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/94002427853?pwd=aVA2NzIzWDliR3AvVHhmaTFYUzVLQT09
Meeting ID: 940 0242 7853
Passcode: 377632
Seminar_Hsuan Chen_9.18.23.pdf
Abstract: Dr. Hsuan Chen joined the Horticultural Science Department at NCSU in 2021. The core of his mission is to empower the green industries by releasing novel cultivars, expanding the knowledge for ornamental plant breeding and cytogenetics, developing innovative plant breeding methods, and educating future plant breeders and scientists. Continuing Dr. Dennis Werner’s legend, Dr. Chen has worked on Redbuds and ornamental peach breeding. Dr. Chen has added new breeding strategies for Cercis breeding, including cytogenetics and interspecific hybridization addressing new disease and production challenges for the Cercis nursery industry. Infertility innovations of several popular but invasive species have also been made in Wisteria and Albizia. Collaborative breeding projects with private nurseries working with Hibiscus, Vitex, Lonicera, Photinia, Rhaphiolepis, and Camellia have been initiated. Also, some small achievements in breeding North Carolina Native plants, such as Lindera, have already occurred. Dr Chen also helps other faculties and breeders’ research by providing cytogenetics help at NCSU, so you will also find wild peanuts, tobacco, and pine trees in his lab.