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Sun paints the Centennial Gateway on Western Blvd a golden hue on a summer morning.

Aug 18, 2020

Ristaino and Louws Honored as APS Fellows

Congratulations to NC State University’s Jean Beagle Ristaino and Frank Louws, who were among 11 scientists honored during a virtual awards ceremony on Aug. 4 as 2020 Fellows of the American Phytopathological Society. 

Close-up of fly on plant

Aug 6, 2020

Study Could Lead to Power Over Parasite

Researchers find genetic targets for controlling the New World screwworm, a deadly insect pest that feeds on livestock, wildlife, pets and even humans in the Western Hemisphere. 

Sun sets on the Belltower under a crisp blue fall sky.

Aug 4, 2020

Department Members Recognized at APS Virtual Award Ceremony

Several members from NC State's Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology received awards in honor of their significant contributions to the science of plant pathology. 

Aug 4, 2020

Rick Brandenburg Scores Cover of Carolina Greens

Rick Brandenburg has been finding ways to reduce the damage that insects cause to peanuts as well as to lawns, athletic fields, golf courses and other grassy areas. The impact of his turfgrass work recently earned him a spot on the cover of Carolina Greens magazine and the top honor bestowed by the magazine’s publisher. 

Aug 4, 2020

A Tribute to the Late Benny Bloodworth

We lost a friend and colleague on July 22, when research specialist Benny Bloodworth passed away. Benny a member of the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology and based at the Horticultural Crops Research Station in Castle Hayne. 

Berries, computers, lab equipment

Jul 6, 2020

Berrying On

This year’s berry crops yielded lessons in adaptability for Extension experts. They weighed strawberries in the garage, delivered masks to farms, connected via technology and never stopped listening. 

Jun 30, 2020

Using Leaf Fungi to Improve Crop Resilience

An interdisciplinary team led by Christine Hawkes is identifying beneficial fungi found in five key crops with the aim of using them to help plants fend off diseases and tolerate drought stress. 

NCSU Bell tower at night

Jun 15, 2020

Daniela Pezzini Awarded Second Fellowship

Entomology and Plant Pathology PhD student Daniela Pezzini was awarded the AgBioFEWS fellowship and will also become a FFAR Fellow. 

Sun sets on the Belltower under a crisp blue fall sky.

May 29, 2020

DEPP Congratulates Spring 2020 Graduates

The Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology would like to congratulate its Spring 2020 graduates:   PP-PHD Reny Mathew –  Lab Emily Meyers –  Lab   PP-MS Jean Beacorn Tsz… 

May 29, 2020

Big Data for Better Sweetpotatoes

An interdisciplinary team led by Cranos Williams is setting out on a three-year project to use artificial intelligence to make sweetpotatoes even more profitable. The team will image hundreds of thousands of sweetpotatoes to increase the percentage of sweetpotatoes grown that are USDA grade 1.