Bullen: Steps to Turn a Farm Dream into Reality

Gary Bullen, Farm Management Extension Associate in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, presented “Planning for Success: Steps to Turn a Farm Dream to a Reality” at the NCCE Conference on Friday, November 16th, 2008.

Bullen used his many years of experience helping North Carolinians start farming operations to identify the key aspects of starting a farm plan. Topics included:

  • Setting reasonable and attainable goals
  • Choosing an appropriate enterprise
  • Taking inventory of time and family support
  • Estimating capital needs and evaluating resources
  • Developing a marketing plan 

Derek Washburn, ARE Farm School Associate, walked the audience through creating an enterprise budget. Budgets present challenges because one must account for all of the necessary expenses needed throughout the product development.

Both Gary and Derek are available to assist or answer additional questions.