Crop Insurance
In the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at NC State, there is a long history of applied research and extension efforts focusing on agricultural policy analysis, risk management, and crop insurance. There is always continuing interest among agricultural producers, county agents, policymakers, and other stakeholders about the impacts and implications of various agricultural policies and risk management tools on the agricultural economy.

This extension and outreach website aims to provide important information and resources regarding crop insurance issues that affect North Carolina.
Crop insurance and risk management publications/presentations
Managing your risk with crop insurance (2021)
Crop Insurance Coverage for Hemp
Crop Insurance Considerations for 2019 and Related Topics in the New Farm Bill
In the Aftermath of Hurricane Florence: What do Farmers with Crop Insurance need to do?
How much indemnity would North Carolina farmers lose without the Harvest Price Option in Revenue Protection Insurance?
What types of insurance should I consider for my farm?
Updates on Farmer Safety-Net Programs and Trade Aid 2.0
Should I Consider Whole-Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) for my farm operation?
Crop Insurance Options for Winegrowers in North Carolina
Do you want to get an estimate of your crop insurance premium cost?
Options for Insuring Your Apple Crop
What to Do Before and After a Hurricane?
- USDA RMA Fact Sheet: Natural Disasters and Crop Insurance (Sept 2017)
- USDA FSA Fact Sheet: Disaster Assistance Programs at a Glance (Mar 2017)
- Climate Change, Crop Yields, and Farmer Perceptions (Sept 2014)
- USDA RMA Review of RMA APH and Combo Rating Methodology
- Actuarial Review for Price Volatility Factor Methodology (August 2014)
- Methodology Analysis for Weighting of Historical Experience (July 2011)
Risk Management, Crop Insurance, and Other Related Resource
USDA RMA 2017 – 2018 | Crop Insurance Fact Sheets (for crops insurable in NC)